安装说明: - RHEL 7.4 (crhel71,crhel72) - drbd 9.0.9-1 - 2台相同配置服务器,硬盘数量、大小相同 - 设定两节点间 ssh 免密登录 - 使用/etc/hosts 或者DNS,让两个节点能互相解析 - 设定 YUM repo, 指向到清华大学开源镜像服务器( ) - 上述条件满足后,一条命令就完成安装 # yum -y install drbd90-utils kmod-drbd90 下面主要讲解具体设定:1. /etc/drbd.conf文件无需该动
2. /etc/drbd.d/global_common.conf,在common配置部分的net选项中添加protocol C;,表示使用协议C的方式进行数据复制
# sed -i "55a\ protocol C;" /etc/drbd.d/global_common.conf# cat /etc/drbd.d/global_common.conf
... common { net {protocol C;} } 3.该文件用于定义drbd镜像资源 # cat <<EOF> /etc/drbd.d/r0.res resource r0 { protocol C; disk /dev/sdb; device /dev/drbd0; meta-disk internal;syncer {
verify-alg sha1; } net { allow-two-primaries; }on crhel71 {
address; } on crhel72 { address; }disk {
resync-rate 100M; c-min-rate 10; c-max-rate 400M; } } EOF 4. 对节点的drbd操作, 在两个节点上都执行: Now that we have the configuration in place, it’s time to initialize our data: At this point, we’re ready to start DRBD on both nodes and bring the r0 resource up. After bringing the resource up, let’s check the status:[root@crhel71 ~]# drbdadm up r0
initializing activity log initializing bitmap (672 KB) to all zero Writing meta data... New drbd meta data block successfully created. [root@crhel71 ~]# drbdadm status r0 role:Secondary disk:Inconsistent crhel72 role:Secondary peer-disk:Inconsistent[root@crhel72 ~]# drbdadm up r0
[root@crhel72 ~]# drbdadm status r0 role:Secondary disk:Inconsistent crhel71 role:Secondary peer-disk:Inconsistent 5. 选定primary node, 并同步数据>>在所有节点中, 选定1台作为primary node,执行下面命令,数据同步开始进行;让子弹飞一会,进度使用下面命令查询
[root@crhel71 ~]# drbdadm primary --force r0[root@crhel71 ~]# drbdadm status
r0 role:Primary disk:UpToDate crhel72 role:Secondary replication:SyncSource peer-disk:Inconsistent done:15.21[root@crhel72 ~]# drbdadm status
r0 role:Secondary disk:Inconsistent crhel71 role:Primary replication:SyncTarget peer-disk:UpToDate done:20.35>>几分钟后,在各节点上查询状态,看到已经同步完成:
[root@crhel71 ~]# drbdadm status r0 role:Primary disk:UpToDate crhel72 role:Secondary peer-disk:UpToDate[root@crhel72 ~]# drbdadm status
r0 role:Secondary disk:UpToDate crhel71 role:Primary peer-disk:UpToDate 6. 建立文件系统(do this on primary node) [root@crhel71 ~]# mkfs.xfs /dev/drbd0 7. 测试drbd镜像[root@crhel71 ~]# mount /dev/drbd0 /mnt/
[root@crhel71 ~]# touch /mnt/file{1..5} [root@crhel71 ~]# drbd-overview ... 0:r0/0 Connected(2*) Primar/Second UpToDa/UpToDa /mnt xfs 21G 33M 21G 1% [root@crhel71 ~]# umount /mnt [root@crhel71 ~]# drbdadm secondary r0[root@crhel72 ~]# drbdadm primary r0
[root@crhel72 ~]# mount /dev/drbd0 /mnt/ [root@crhel72 mnt]# ls file1 file2 file3 file4 file5